《台中通信 TAICHU ISSUE》創刊號發行

 《台中通信 TAICHU ISSUE》創刊號





Taichu Issue: Inaugural Edition

The long-awaited bilingual publication with Chinese-English parallel text is now officially available for pre-order. We have chosen the "Shui-He Round Font " by artist Wang Shuihe as the main visual font for the magazine. Special thanks to architect Wang Wenfang for fine-tuning the details of the Chinese and English fonts and overseeing the layout, resulting in a beautifully designed cover.

If you frequently read newspapers from the Japanese era, you are likely familiar with the "Taichu Correspondence" at the end of the news articles. We named it "Taichu Issue," using the Chinese synonym for "Taichung Correspondence." The first time we read the "Taiwan Nichi Nichi Shinpō," We was deeply moved; those messages from Taichung seemed to traverse time, arriving in the 21st century. This publication marks the beginning of recording Taichung's history and represents our desire to preserve the disappearing cityscapes. Starting from Taichung, we send our messages to the world.

A city's history is composed of countless life stories and industries. The diversity of a city also comes from these old shops and traces of people's lives. Our relationship with the city is no longer defined by vast spaces and events; grand histories cannot satisfy our understanding of living spaces. Over the past decade, we have collected life histories and stories of old shops in the city, collaborating with community college students in fieldwork classes. By visiting these old shops, we come to know Taichung.

Your subscription supports our efforts to gather more stories of Taichung.



《台中通信 TAICHU ISSUE》 launching in May

訂購傳送門Subscription☞☞ https://reurl.cc/EjX49m


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